Appreciate Life More

After surviving a cerebral hemorrhage and an operation through a hole in my skull , a lot of people think I appreciate life more.

But no………

Not that I don’t appreciate life, and I am very happy that I survived all of it, but enjoy a butterfly or a sunset more, no.

Before all this I enjoyed  life already, enjoyed the clouds for example, not many people know/knew that I enjoyed the ordinary things, but I did.

What did change is the meaning of the thought : “I don’t take that shit anymore”.

Which doesn’t mean that I don’t give a shit, but I’m more determined to do what I want, or at least not to accept  what I don’t want anymore.

Also, I’m more determined to be myself, and if someone doesn’t like it, to bad.

Not at the expense of others, but at least being positive for myself first.

To many of you this would be considered “normal”, but for me it isn’t.

A part of me was “myself”, the other part was hidden , I thought not interesting enough for others to inderstand..

But being myself is not that bad, a lot of people like me I think ,and thats an understatement ha ha ha. (A joke only my boys will understand)

So appreciate life more because of what happened, no……..

But I will appreciate life more because I am going to be myself.

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